ammonium paramolybdate meaning in Chinese
- Abstract : taken as materials , ammonium paramolybdate , molybdenum tri - oxide , molyb denum dioxide and molybdenum powder of different layers in thickness are reduced at different temperatures , and by analyzing the grain size , oxygen content and mo rphology of the molybdenum powders obtained , the effects of reduction processing on the grain size and oxygen content of the molybdenum powder of different layer s in the same boat are discussed
文摘:以仲钼酸铵、三氧化钼、二氧化钼和钼粉为原料,采用不同的温度和不同的料层厚度进行了还原试验,分析了所得钼粉的粒度、氧含量和形貌,剖析了同舟内不同层次钼粉的粒度和氧含量的变化规律。 - Taken as materials , ammonium paramolybdate , molybdenum tri - oxide , molyb denum dioxide and molybdenum powder of different layers in thickness are reduced at different temperatures , and by analyzing the grain size , oxygen content and mo rphology of the molybdenum powders obtained , the effects of reduction processing on the grain size and oxygen content of the molybdenum powder of different layer s in the same boat are discussed